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Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Publikationen und Vorträgen aus dem Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung in der forensischen Sprachverarbeitung.

  • Gfroerer, S. & Wagner, I. (1995): Fundamental frequency in forensic speech samples, In: A. Braun & J.-P. Köster (Hrsg.): Studies in Forensic Phonetics, 64, 41-49, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Trier.

  • Gfroerer, S. (1998): Kriminalwissenschaftliche Möglichkeiten der Sprecheranalyse. In: Entführung - Kriminalistische Aspekte der Ermittlungsführung und operativer Maßnahmen, Forschungsbericht, Polizeiführungsakademie Münster-Hiltrup, 170-189.

  • Gfroerer, S. & Baldauf, C. (2000): Sprechererkennung, Tonträgerauswertung, und Linguistische Textanalyse. In: Kriminalistenfachbuch Kriminalistische Kompetenz, KT14-14.1, Verlag Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck.

  • Gfroerer, S., Boss, D. & Neoustroev, N. (2001): A new tool for the visualization of magnetic features on tapes, Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the ENFSI Forensic Speech and Audio Working Group (FSAAWG), Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale,  Rosny-sous-Bois, France.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2003): Auditory-instrumental forensic speaker recognition. Proceedings of EUROSPEECH 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, 705-708.

  • Boss, D., Gfroerer, S. & Neoustroev, N. (2003): A new tool for the visualization of magnetic features on tapes. The International Journal of Speech Language and the Law, 10, 255-276.

  • Gfroerer, S. & Köster, O. (2004): Phonetic parameters used in speaker ID. Paper presented at the Workshop Phonetic Features: Concept and Automation, US Secret Service, Feb. 26, Washington D.C., USA.

  • Jessen, M., Köster, O. & Gfroerer, S. (2005): Influence of vocal effort on average and variability of fundamental frequency. The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 12, 174–213.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2006): Sprechererkennung und Tonträgerauswertung. In: G. Widmaier (Hrsg.): Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Strafverteidigung. München, Beck, 2505-2526.

  • Jessen, M.,  Broß, F. & Gfroerer, S. (2007): Developments in automatic speaker recognition at the BKA. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, Plymouth, UK.

  • Becker, T., Solewicz, Y., Jardine, G. & Gfroerer, S. (2012): Comparing automatic forensic voice comparison systems under forensic conditions. Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) 46th International Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2012, 197-202.

  • Solewicz, Y., Becker, T., Jardine, G. & Gfroerer, S. (2012): Comparison of speaker recognition systems on a real forensic benchmark. Proceedings of the 2012 ODYSSEY Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. June 25-28, Singapore, pp. 86-91.

  • Solewicz, Y., Jardine, G., Becker, T. & Gfroerer, S. (2013): Estimated intra-speaker variability boundaries in forensic speaker recognition casework. Proceedings of Biometric Technologies in Forensic Science (BTFS), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2014): Speaker Recognition for Forensics: Current practice and future directions in research and development. Paper presented at the EAB Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Jan. 17.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2014): Sprechererkennung und Tonträgerauswertung. In: G. Widmaier (Hrsg.) Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Strafverteidigung (2nd revised edition). München, Beck, 2682-2707.

  • Gfroerer, S. & Ehrhardt, S. (2014): Sprechererkennung, Tonträgerauswertung und Autorenerkennung. In: Kriminalisten-Fachbuch KFB – Kriminalistische Kompetenz. Berlin, Kapitel 14.1-14.5. (iOS- und Android-App).

  • Gfroerer, S. & Jessen, M. (2014): Current methods in forensic speaker comparison. Paper presented at the SiiP Project Expert Group Workshop, INTERPOL, Oct. 20-21, Lyon, France.

  • Becker, T., Jardine, G., Solewicz, Y. & Gfroerer, S. (2014): Automatic voice comparison performance in forensic casework. Paper presented at the 23rd Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, Zurich, Switzerland.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2015): Case-to-case variation in forensic speaker comparison. Paper presented at the INTERSPEECH Conference: Speech beyond Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal, Dresden, Sept. 06.-12.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2015): SiiP – Automatische Sprecheridentifizierung und globaler Informationsaustausch für Intelligence und Ermittlungszwecke. Proceedings Symposium Neue Technologien, Österreichisches Bundeskriminalamt, Wien, Österreich, Nov. 24-25.

  • Drygajlo, A., Jessen, M., Gfroerer, S., Wagner, I., Vermeulen, J. & Niemi, T. (2015): Methodological guidelines for best practice in forensic semi-automatic and automatic speaker recognition . Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, Frankfurt.

  • Drygajlo, A., Jessen, M., Gfroerer, S., Wagner, I., Vermeulen, J. & Niemi, T. (2015): Guidance on the conduct of proficiency testing and collaborative exercises. Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, Frankfurt.

  • Drygajlo, A., Jessen, M., Gfroerer, S., Wagner, I., Vermeulen, J. & Niemi, T. (2016):  The ENFSI project on Methodological guidelines for best practice in forensic semi-automatic and automatic speaker recognition . Abstracts of the 25th Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, July 25-27, York, England, p. 62.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2016): The EU-Speaker Identification Integrated Project (SiiP): Overview, Forensic Implications, and Open Questions.  Abstracts of the 25th Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics,   July 25-27, University of York, England, p. 94.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2016): Accreditation and validation of forensic methods: A technical assessor’s view. Paper presented at the 25th annual conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, July 24th - 27th, University of York, England.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2017): Innovative Anwendungen der Stimmbiometrie für Ermittlung und Aufklärung. Paper presented at the “Smart Policing” Workshop, 20. Europ. Polizei­kongress, 21. - 22. Februar, Berlin.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2017): SIIP - Potential benefits for Investigation and Intelligence. Paper presented at the SIIP Field Test, March 29, Policia Judiciaria, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • van der Vloed, D., Jessen, M. & Gfroerer, S. (2017): Experiments with two forensic automatic speaker comparison systems using reference populations that (mis)match the test language. Paper presented at the AES Conference on Forensic Audio, June 15-17, Arlington, USA.

  • Tschäpe, N., Jessen, M. & Gfroerer, S. (2017): Analysis of i-vector-based false-accept trials in a dialect labeled telephone corpus. Abstracts of the 26th Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, July 09-12, University of Split, Croatia.

  • Gfroerer, S. (2019): Automatische Sprechererkennung in der Fallbearbeitung. Praxisworkshop "Forensische Sprechererkennung",  22.-23.10.19, Landeskriminalamt Berlin.

  • Gfroerer, S. & Jessen, M. (2021): Sprechererkennung und Tonträgerauswertung. In: Eckhart Müller/Reinhold Schlothauer/Christoph Knauer (Hrsg.) Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Strafverteidigung (3. überarbeitete Auflage). München, Beck, 2862-2890.

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